Thursday, 10 December 2015


This is actually a photo of Cappaccino, Espresso and The Black and White One (Latte) - Bonny, as usual, is nowhere to be seen as everything is still quite scary. However I had just given them some salad as a treat (their favourite) and put some soft hay on top of the nasty wet paving slabs so their little feet don't get cold and wet, so that is quite a cute photo I thought.

Bonny was born in October this year, her official birthday is on 14th October 2015 - just 2 months old! Here she is on her Buying Day:

Initially Bonny spent a lot of time under the hutch - so I started putting a food bowl under there specially for her. She also spent a lot of time behind the shed as it is too narrow there for nasty cats and squirrels (and humans) to fit in. However as the weather turned colder I really wanted her to go in the hutch with the other nice warm ladies; so I put her food bowl back in there, and lo and behold, after a couple of days of starvation, Bonny was eating the food in the hutch! She still seemed to be sleeping behind the shed but after another day or two I discovered her snuggled up in the hutch with the others so all is well. She still spends a lot of time behind the shed and in the bushes with The Black And White One and Fluffy (Fudge):

 but is happy to join the others on the grass from time to time.

Caught unawares:

Spot the guinea pigs! All five are here, tucking into some bamboo leaves and some silver leaves from a tree which I don't know the name of.

Oh yes, did you know the fastest land mammal is not the cheetah, it is actually Bonny? I opened the french windows onto the grass the other day, and I have never seen anything move so fast! She ran blindly across the grass, T-boned Cappaccino (who of course carried on munching the grass unconcerned) and disappeared into the bushes. 

Next time: Espresso, fudge or the black and white one

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